It occupies an important place among the water tightness test equipment. It is particularly useful in the textiles industry. It is used to conduct water tightness tests on textiles and membranes.

This article deals with WATERPROOFNESS TESTER FOR TEXTILES OR MEMBRANES DVT SGT, manufactured by Devotrans, and provides information on its general features and functions.

WATER TIGHTNESS TESTER FOR TEXTILES OR MEMBRANES DVT SG T is used to determine water tightness of textiles or coated textiles under given pressures. It determines the water permeability pressure of textiles, rubber or plastic-coated fabrics, shoes and boots.

This is a test tool of vital importance. It is used in a number of sectors including in particular shoe manufacturing, film-jute-bag, car industry, electric home appliances, textiles, medical products and yarn industry.

As for the technical features of this device: ıt determines the water permeability of textiles with two pressure increase speeds. The water permeability is measured in cm/H₂O. Maximum measurement capacity: 6000 cm/ H₂O.

Quality Control and test equipment is usually manufactured in such a way that they can receive additional features on an optional basis. This test device is available in different models. For more information and a video on this device click here.

The most popular keywords for searches on this the water tightness tester are:  water tightness tester, water tightness standard, water tightness experiment, water tightness test

For more information on the water tightness tester or on any other control and test equipment, please call our technical staff.


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