SPRAY TESTER 11/09/2015

Spray testers are used in the yarn and textiles industry. It is a tool of vital importance. Spray testers are used to measure the water holding capacity of textile surfaces. It is used in particular to measure the resistance of textiles to surface wetting through the spraying method.

This device is very user-friendly, compact and portable. Its approximate dimensions and weight are: Width: 230 mm. Depth: 230 mm. Height: 500 mm and weight: 2 Kg.

SPRAY TESTER DVT SUİ, a product of Devotrans’ experience of more than 50 years in sector, is one of the most efficient devices in this category.

It is equipped with a frame that keeps the textile stretched. It holds the sample at a 45 degree angle. Liquid level is 150 mm. Its height is adjustable. This device offers very practical solutions.

For more information on quality control and test equipment or on this device, that is manufactured in accordance with the relevant standards, or on other quality control or test equipment, contact our technical staff or click here to have a look at our other products.

The most popular keywords used for searches on spray testers are: spray tester, spray test device, spray test, spray tests


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