Quality control and test equipment, which are used to test the compliance of the products that we use in all aspects of our everyday life with international quality standards, are of great importance for manufacturers in dozens of sectors, including: aluminium and other metals, packaging, footwear, pipes, glass and ceramics, genuine and synthetic leather, electro-technology, engineering, flexible cellular materials, zippers, bags-jute and films, food, construction, job security, cables, paper, rubber, chemical industry, furniture, corrugated cardboard, forest products, automotive, electric home appliances, plastics, PVC profile, defence industry, textiles, yarns, medical products, insulation, adhesive bands.

Quality control and test equipment, very important regarding compliance with national and international quality standards, are very important for all products.

Quality control and test equipment : the main purpose in improving production quality is to improve quality of life for human beings. All of the items we use, from the pullover that we wear to the zipper of our jacket, require tests and these are conducted with test equipment. However, a large part of the society is not aware of the significance of this fact. Quality control and test equipment are of great importance regarding the quality of life. Uncontrolled life poses great risks for human health. Likewise, unmeasured, uncontrolled and low quality products are as many sources of risk. Each test device has a specific purpose. It facilitates human life and lessens workload and reduces production cost and improves quality for the benefit of the consumers. By ensuring high quality for products, it contributes to mass production.

What would happen if there were no quality control and test equipment or quality control?

Probably, each of the items that we use in our everyday life, from shoes to toothbrushes, zippers, armchairs, papers, cables, would be a source of risk and damage both for our health and budget. Without quality control, there can be no efficient production and no healthy life. It is precisely at that point that the importance of Quality Control and Test Equipment appears.

DVT DEVOTRANS, active since 1960 in the manufacturing of quality control and test equipment, has since then constantly improved its technology and uses its experience to contribute to the national economy and to export its products to tens of countries in 6 continents. It offers more than 600 different standard products as well as customized models. It also renders calibration services for force, temperature, scales and pressure etc. through its TÜRKAK accredited laboratory DVTLAB. DVT DEVOTRANS is committed to maximize customer satisfaction and to this end provides its customers with user’s guides and training supported by tutorial videos as well as after-sale technical service.

For more information on all quality control and test devices and on DVT DEVOTRANS, click here to visit the company’s web site or send an e-mail to devotrans@devotrans.com


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