Metal scratch test device is a tool used by metal manufacturers to determine scratches that occur on their products as a result of friction.

It is used to determine the amount of scratch that occurs on wet or dry metals. It is a very important tool for metal manufacturers.

We manufacture our metal scratch test device model in accordance with the ASTM G133-05 standard. It has very comprehensive technical features.

Our model METAL SCRATCH TESTER DVT MCD has the following technical features:

- The friction force is displayed and transmitted from computer to graphic

- Friction length setting

- Friction speed setting

- Test period counter available

- Various compression weights applicable

- Tests can be conducted in wet or dry environment

- It creates scratches by friction on metal

- Equipped with one sample station

- Two compression weights are available. 500 g and 1000 g

It is used on aluminium and other metals and is especially widely used in the car industry and in the electric home appliances industry. Its approximate dimensions and weight are as follows:

Width: 540 mm

Depth: 400 mm

Height: 400 mm

Weight: 31 kg

Quality Control Test Devices have recently become more popular with the advance of technology. Only those entities that are able to keep up with this technological progress can become leaders. And to become a leader, the capability of offering technical support services is essential. Measurement Devices are very important for correct and problem-free production. Accordingly, the purchase of such measurement devices is essential. Tests to confirm compliance with quality standards are becoming more and more popular in Turkey, which brings high quality in production. Prospective buyers of control test devices must consider whether the seller is the manufacturer of the product or just an intermediary agent because the technical support of a manufacturer cannot be compared to that of a mere seller.

For further information on the related test device or any other test device please contact our company to obtain useful and accurate information.


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