Hot brittle testers are used to observe formation of cracks in cold environment on rubbers as a result of folding.

This test equipment is used mainly in the fields of shoe manufacturing, rubber industry, car industry, electric home appliances industry and plastics industry. It is being used by thousands of businesses. It complies with the standards. It is a handy tool. The hot brittle tester is included in Devotrans’ range of products and one of the most efficient tools in that field.

HOT BRITTLE TESTER ZGT 7061 has different models with very sophisticated features.

As for the technical features of the hot brittle tester: test temperature: different models with ranges of temperature from room temperature to +70°C or -70 °C.

For 7061.ND; strike speed 2.0 ± 0.2 m/s, Edge diameter: 1.6 ± 0.1 mm, Heat transfer environment: -60°C viscosity silicon oil, -70°C methane or ethanol ,-120°C liquid nitrogen. Operating temperature: 380 V 50 Hz., Cooling with dry ice and alcohol at very low temperatures.

For 7061; Temperature; room temperature -70°C, Cooling with dry ice and alcohol at very low temperatures. Operating voltage: 220 V 3A.

The most popular keywords used for searches on this test equipment are: brittle test, hot brittle test, brittle experiment, brittle tester, test equipment, experiment device


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