Carbon black dispersion tester is designed to observe the state of dispersion of carbon black during the mixing of rubber compounds.

Thanks to its high precision optical lenses, high quality CDD camera, special high resolution video sensor card and high performance software, the carbon black dispersion tester rapidly and correctly determines the dispersion of carbon black in rubber. It is operated with a main unit PC.

CARBON BLACK DISPERSION TESTER ZGT 505 CBD , included in Devotrans’ product range, is a very efficient tool in its field of application and has highly sophisticated technical features.

Magnification: up to x100. Dispersion angle: 30°. Sample hole dimensions: 4.0×3.5 mm. Control management with professional software. Dispersion scale: Scale 0.1~10, Source of light:  Halogen lamp, Power: 1∮, 220V, 2A. With cutting accessories.

This test device is used mainly by shoe manufacturers but also by educational institutions, public bodies and laboratories. For more information on this test device, contact our technical team.

As for the most popular keywords used for searches on the carbon black dispersion tester: carbon black dispersion tester, carbon black dispersion test, what is carbon black, production of carbon black, analysis of carbon black.


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