Cable bending testers are very important devices used in cable manufacturing.

COLD BEND TESTER FOR CABLES DVT KSB, included in the product range of Devotrans, is one of the most efficient tools in this field.

It is used to test the strength against pressure and formation of cracks in specially applied hot environments of polyvinyl-chloride compounds, used between polymer insulations and sheaths of cables. In addition, it determines the amount of crushing that occurs on cables in hot environments.

As for the fields of application: all cable manufacturers, telecommunication cables and high volume buyers.

The cable bending tester is used by laboratories, public bodies and in the fields of engineering, manufacturing of electro-technical products and cables. It is produced at a very high quality level and very important in terms of function.

As for its technical features: stainless steel body; compatible with hot – cold environments. Additional test devices available depending on cable sections. Different winding devices depending on cable diameter to be used to test brittleness of cables in cold. Cable winding arm. It is an indispensable tool for the cable industry for cold environment cable bending tests.

For more information on COLD ENVIRONMENT CABLE BENDING TESTER DVT KSB, a tool that complies with the standards and enjoys a high quality level thanks to the long experience of its manufacturer, and other control and test equipment, contact our technical team or visit the other products section.

The most popular keywords used for searches on cable bending testers and other related measurement equipment are: cable bending tester, cable bending machine, how to use a cable bending tester, how does a cable bending tester operate, cable tester, cable tester recommendation, cable tester price


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